Armenians in Uzbekistan

This Google Map shows the main Armenian communities in C20th Uzbekistan. Some of these, such as those in the old Silk Road trading centres, are long-standing, although until the late C19th they were very modest in scale (probably under 250 individuals each).

It is likely that Armenians, who are thought to number over 45,000 across the country, are also resident in many other towns in Uzbekistan not shown on the map.

The only two functioning Armenian Apostolic churches are those in the big cities of Samarkand and Tashkent. The Soviets in Central Asia were militant atheists and the other known Armenian churches were closed by the authorities during the 1920s and 1930s. It is likely that the largest Uzbek Armenian communities outside Samarkand and Tashkent will apply to raise places of worship in the next few years with the resurgence of interest in Armenian culture and the Church.

The local Armenians speak Russian and Uzbek. The longest-settled families speak Uzbek as opposed to Armenian and are well assimilated into Uzbek society. More recent immigrants from, for example, Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) and Azerbaijan, are likely to have Armenian as their mother tongue.